Monthly Archives: July 2011

Making the Transition: From Design to Development


Developers: Left-Brain                                                                     Designers: Right-Brain

Why I feel I may have an advantage? According to Art Institute Survey I am:

45%Left-Brain                                                           55% Right Brain.

Here’s a pretty good article I discovered today about making the transition to a developer.

HTML CSS JavaScript and PHP Here I Come!

The time has come for me to spread my fingers and code.  Because I am motivated by an audience, tracking my growth on an online stage will fuel my progress.

Here are my current ratings based on w3 schools and personal <1-10:

w3school Personal
HTML 60% 3
CSS 70% 3
JavaScript 20% 0
PHP 30% 0

WordPress Journey Step 1: Basic Blog

In my intention to be a crafter in WordPress I am going to begin by simply using it. I have never blogged before, and am excited about creating my own cubby on the World Wide Web.